Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fading HoJo's chain seeks new knight in shining armor

Alas, a reporter dares to peer into the fate of Howard Johnson's 2009. Last we heard, LaMancha Group purchased the rights to the recipies with promises of resurrecting the once great Landmark of Hungry Americans, but to no avail.

1 comment:

  1. It's true that people need to eat, but in this economy people are choosing to eat at home. HoJo's was big up here in New England through the 1980s, but new establishments crowded them out. Today, there are still too many franchises chasing too few customers. 'Survival of the Fittest' will prevail, but I don't think there's much 'brand equity' left with HoJo's. The number of people who remember the brand fondly are few and far between now...and the number of them shrinks. Howard Johnson's: The Miami Dolphins' favorite restaurant.
