Wednesday, June 03, 2009

"Birmingham's Century Plaza wrapping up business after 4 decades"


Anonymous Anonymous said...
Here is a mall that is slated to close its doors this week

Monday, June 29, 2009 4:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Amber said...

I'm lurking as usual... awful to see yet another mall disappear of shoppers radars :(

I worked in a mall during it's evident decline back in Australia for a brief while... apparently it's still there, but I noticed some months ago there was an article on Brisbane's Courier Mail website saying it had turned into a 'ghost town'- so it isn't just an American phenomenon it seems!

I still remember when malls were cool <3

Wednesday, July 08, 2009 6:32:00 PM  
Blogger J.T. said...

I caught Century Plaza close to the bitter end: I was told this mall was in trouble back in 2004 by the webmaster of the Eastwood Mall tribute. I then made it a point to get out there as part of a roadtrip I took to Birmingham that spring. The mall emptied out very quickly after Rich's left in 2004.

Sunday, July 12, 2009 4:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our family used to go to CP, every Black Friday, from 1977-1985, when we would visit relatives for Thanksgiving. While my parents would shop, my parents would give me 2 $5 bills, and I would hit up the Alladin's Castle - back when games cost a quarter, and ten bucks would keep you busy for hours. The last time I was there was around 1991 - the Alladin's Castle was already gone, and all that was really left were a few empty anchors, a bunch of mom & pop stores, and a head shop. What used to be a fun experience had quickly turned somewhat creepy. From then on, we shoped at the Riverchase Galleria. We don't really go at all now, because my relatives are either died, got too old, or moved away.

Century Plaza was obvioulsy in trouble, since the early 90's - it was painfully obvious. It's sad to see this staple of my childhood gone.

Sunday, July 26, 2009 5:27:00 PM  

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